Successful Job Application: Tips and Secrets

Many of you have written short emails to us saying that you have always tried to apply for jobs with no success. If this is the case, you may easily end up blaming some other factors for this unfortunate situation but come to think about it, maybe there is something you are not doing right. To make a successful job application and get hired in a company, there are several procedures to follow. To make the opportunity wide opened for a preferred job, certain techniques have to be followed in order to lead you to the satisfactory interview process.

We have always said that when you make a job application an employer meets you first through your application letter and CV. This is where you cannot afford to go wrong because one wrong step, your case is rested. The resume creation is the main point to determine your capability of doing the job that you have applied for. The employer will firstly check out the resume before deciding for calling a person to the interview session. Thus, you have to do your best to create the best resume that can attract the employer.

Once your CV is perfect, the application letter has to be superb. Just think about it, what does the employer see first when she opens your email or letter? It is the cover letter. You must write a cover letter, while applying for a job. The cover letter must contain the main reasons why you decided to apply for the vacant position. You must also state the reasons why the employer should select you amongst the other applicants. The cover letter must correspond perfectly with the position you are applying for. Try this by matching the job requirements with your capabilities.

After submitting all the relevant information, if the employer wants discuss more about yourself, you must collect the relevant data of the company as much as possible. If you look at our earlier articles about interviews, we stress on research of the employer. Many of the questions asked in the interview may revolve around that and if you know nothing it may seem that you do not have interest in the job. You may also get a chance to ask the panel or interviewer a few questions. What will you ask? It is about the company. Do your research well, believe me it will help you during the interview.

Just take a step back and remember the articles we have done on the colour of your dressing and the shoes to an interview. If you want to remind yourself, click on the ‘older posts’ tab at the bottom of the page. Your appearance at the interview session will determine your capability for the job. The employers are often interested in smart candidates as the person is considered to perform great work. Thus, the choosing the best outfit for your appearance is very important.

Time, time, time. This is a very important aspect of the interview. We recommend that you come 15 – 30 minutes earlier. This will help you get rid of the tension and you may be sweaty if you arrive late. People say that Africans don’t keep time but I believe in a case like this there is no option. If you get a call and do not get the time correctly, it is allowed for you to call back and verify the time. You must come in time so that you can prepare for the whole interview process. By coming in time to the interview, you will have enough time to relax and convince the employer that you are willing to take up the job.

There is another article we did some time back about passion for whatever you like doing. If you are applying for a job of your dreams and manage to get an interview, then you need to ooze passion. Let the panel see your heart by the way you pass your message across, your gestures (refer to the article on gestures) and your expressions. You can freely speak with your heart as it will make the interviewer convince that you mean it. You should not be afraid as it will be one factor that fails you to make a good impression. Hence, you have to stay confident while experiencing the whole process.

Have you ever gotten to an interview and an interviewer asks about a certificate you listed in your CV but on looking for it, you don’t find it because you did not carry it or you look for it while uncomfortable silence ensues in the room? You need to show a lot of orderliness. Portray that you are organized and are ready to work. Pack your certificates in order in a good looking file. 
This will make an impression that you are tidy. For security purposes, you need to make copies of your certificates. Have these copies separately.

We hope you got the message. Follow this steps when applying for a job and all shall be well.