What you will never hear about interviews.

There are 3 types of can­di­dates,
  • Those who nat­u­rally do well in inter­views.
  • Those who do not and no mat­ter how much coach­ing they receive and work they put into it they just can’t seem to pol­ish their skills enough to leave inter­view­ers wowed.
  • Those who cur­rently under-perform but can improve with the proper amount of recep­tiv­ity to feed­back and preparation.

Most fall into the third cat­e­gory. If you are in the third category feel com­fort in know­ing you’re not alone and remem­ber, there is no such thing as being overly pre­pared. Roll play­ing with some­one by phone and in per­son is indis­pens­able, how­ever there are also sev­eral other steps you can take to improve your inter­view per­for­mance...........