Director: Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Job in Kenya

Duties and Responsibilities

An officer at this level may be based at the Headquarters as the Head of Technical Division and will assist the Chief Officer in charge of Environment, Energy, Natural Resources and Climate Change in the day to day administration and management of the department. Reporting to the Chief Officer, Director Environment, Energy and Natural Resources will be responsible for the following:

In charge of overall management and conservation of Environment including Waste Management (promoting 3Rs), Environmental

Compliance and Enforcement, Natural Resources Management and Conservation, Energy Services, Rehabilitation & Restoration of Degraded and Riparian Ecosystems;

Spearhead preparation of departmental strategic plans, work plans performance contacts, budgets, procurement plans and periodic progress reports in consultation with other departments a unty Chief Officer in Charge of Environment, Energy, Natural Resources and Climate Change;

Spearhead research, monitoring, evaluation departmental] programs, projects and activities In const cner departments and County Chief Officer in Charge of Environment, Energy, Natural Resources and Climate Change;

Inventory and mapping of natural resource Sites, degraded sites, disposal sites, waste water within the county

Spearhead in the conceptualization, development, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of projects, prog and strategic initiatives in the directorate;

Spearhead preparation of County State of Environment Reports and County Environmental Action Plan and its implementation in line with the provisions of EMCA CAP 38;

Spearhead Resource mobilization including development of bankable in various thematic areas including waste management, and reporting on sultation with other environmentally Environmental Conservation and Energy Services ;

Spearhead inventory and mapping of natural resources, environmentally significant sites (such as wetlands and disposal sites), degraded sites within the county and pollution sources (water, air & sound) within the county;

Spearhead Policy formulation, interpretation and implementation negotiation, legislation and domestication of the relevant Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) to the county and other relevant agreements in the field of environment;

Supervising, guiding and developing staff working under him or her.

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:-

Be a Kenyan citizen;

Served in the position of a Principal Environmental officer or in a comparable position (public or private sector) for a minimum period of three (3) years;

Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines; Environmental Sciences, Environmental Planning and Management, Environmental Engineering, Natural Resource Sciences/Management, Climate Change, Waste Management, Forestry, Geology, Hydrology, Geo-Information gceience, | Chemistry, relevant/Equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution

Knowledge and general understanding Biology; or any other recognized institution; disciplines; Environmental management, Environmental field from a recognized Institution

Master’s degree in any of the following Sciences, Environmental Planning and M Engineering, or any other relevant Institution;

Post Graduate qualification in Environmental management field EIA/ Audits or its equivalent

international/regional/national/sub-national policies and regulations on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources,

Knowledge general knowledge on waste management, environmental compliance and enforcement, environmental planning and research, environmental conservation and energy.

Management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution;

Knowledge in computer applications from a recognized institution;

Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence in work performance;

Have shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results; and

Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 on leadership and integrity.

How To Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their application with copies of their National Identity/passport, Academic & Professional certificates and current Chapter Six compliance certificates to the undersigned on or before 21st day of June, 2024.

P.O BOX 880-50300