Company profile

Our silhouette.

As a small upcoming organization, we pride ourselves in the efficiency and virtuous endeavours that we engage as a people united by the common bond. We realise that in attaining career fulfilling objectives one needs a coach or mentor to look up to. For the very first time that is now possible electronically in Kenya for FREE.

It is the need that we saw in the Kenyan people to guide their careers by assistance from human capital experts that motivated us to start this amazing venture. Early in the year 2010 a few while attending a youth convention, Strauss (A psychology expert from US.) realised that Kenyan youths and East Africa as a whole engaged in activities that were not fruitful to the needs of the 21st Century.

On this basis, the young affluent urban youth needed a companion in his quest for sustainability and non dependence on parent coins (YOUR JOB). The Human Capital Solutions (K) Ltd is a brain child of this finding. As a professional firm that is at the growth stage, we have put measures in place to allow and nurture for the growth.

We stand for

Courage: - Taking the bull by its horns is the best there is and an Indian bull for that matter. The confidence that you portray at the initial stages of your career matter a lot into the future. Confidence is the key
Excellence: - Be the best there is in whatever you do. Don’t portray a fake image but yourself at any environment. Being you will give you the confidence and courage to push forward even when at times things are not going your way.
Longevity: - Ask yourself how long you can last in there? Do you have a personality that you can’t keep? Are you in job for the money? How long are you going to pretend that you love it? Do you care about your feelings? These are but very hard questions and require very hard answers. Think Think Think.

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