8 perfect ways of sending your CV via email

I know after just reading the topic today, you can easily conclude that you know how to do it but no you don’t. Just imagine you were an HR executive who has advertised jobs. How do you expect candidates to send you their applications? I remember sometime back we discussed an article on how to send job application emails but today let us concentrate on the resume. How do you create an email resume that will win interviews and influence recruiters?

90% of jobs these days want applications by email and if you have been doing it, has it been the right way? If you look at the earlier article we suggested ways through which you can achieve this. Sending an email asking for a job is the same as the physical letter because the quality of your work is called into question. You email should be perfect so should your CV. Now the big question comes, how do I send my email CV?

There are 8 simple ways we are going to suggest and to get started, follow these rules: