When is the right time to send a ‘thank you for the interview note?’

It can be a very daunting task to think about when a ‘thank you note’ should be sent to the interviewer. All that we have said before is that this is a very important part of getting a job. Imagine if 8 of you did an interview and only one of you sent a note saying ‘thank you’ to the interviewers. This is a boost to your chances of getting the job. But the big question is, when is the right time to send the note? Or after how many days do you send the note? Will it be too early or too late? Today we will respond to any doubts you had on the timing of the ‘thank you note.’

Your very first "thanks for the interview" follow-up should come the day after the interview, or three days later at the most. This is a hugely important part of your job search, so don't overlook it or rush through it. Our recommendation is that you send two thank-you letters to each person you interviewed with: a handwritten snail mail note and a longer, more content-rich e-mail message.