Winning in an interview – The tone of the voice.

Have you heard a person complain about not liking the tone of one’s speech? Are there people you talk to and can compliment you but you can easily take it the wrong way because of their tone? Have you ever taken time to listen to the tone of your speech? In my practice, I have heard many interviewers complain of an interviewee being rude. But if you investigate, it is the tone of their speech and well they didn’t intend to be rude. You need to know that an interview is similar in a way to a tune. The lyrics are the content of the interviewee's responses and the music is the tone of voice used. Certain songs may have an optimistic empowering effect or contrarily may be melancholy and blue.

Your tone says a lot about you. It portrays the confidence in you and the type of person you are. A job applicant that responds in a confident manner is likely to induce confidence in the interviewer.