Aptitude test: The Introduction

Many of you have sent emails requesting that we tackle the question of aptitude tests. We will dedicate a series of articles that will enlighten you about this very important and common practice in the hiring process. Well to start with, an aptitude and ability test is designed to assess your logical reasoning or thinking performance. These tests consist of multiple choice questions and are administered under exam conditions. They are strictly timed and a typical test might allow 30 minutes for 30 or so questions. Your test result will be compared to that of a control group so that judgments can be made about your abilities.

Many companies in this country employ this method and thus you need to take care of this especially for entry level jobs or fresh entrants. You may be asked to answer the questions either on paper or online. The advantages of online testing include immediate availability of results and the fact that the test can be taken at employment agency premises or even at home. This makes online testing particularly suitable for initial screening as it is obviously very cost-effective.