Training Consultant Job in Kenya - UN

Specific Roles and responsibilities

Under the direct supervision of the Head of the SDG and Environment Statistics Unit (UNEP/Early Warning and Assessment Division), the consultant will;

Country activities:

Prior to country mission, the consultant will:

Prepare an inception report outlining a comprehensive desk review of the national context for indicators, including data availability and requirements, list and contacts of key stakeholders to engage with.

Develop a step-by-step document and calculation/working sheets for specific indicators, including necessary information on the source of data, responsible entity and embedded formulae to calculate the indicators.

Develop appropriate technical material to be presented in countries, in English, in collaboration with UNEP, by using existing technical resource materials.

In-country mission, the consultant will:

Convene relevant stakeholders and conduct a hands-on training using the prepared technical material in collaboration with UNEP and relevant national entities.

Assist government officials in identifying appropriate data and calculating relevant indicators.

Upon completion of the country mission, the consultant will:

Prepare mission report, in English, with the following criteria, among others:

Activities undertaken in each country, including list of government officials and entities engaged with

Obtained results

Follow-up actions needed

Annexes: country inception report, all prepared material relevant to the mission, list of participants, etc.

Online follow-up with countries on questions or clarifications required from countries.

Reporting activities:

Guidelines report for Measuring Circular Economy

Final report on countries activities, including lessons learnt, best practices and annexes including all prepared material relevant to the countries missions.

Qualifications/special skills

A Master’s degree in Environmental Science is required. A doctoral degree is desirable.

At least 10 years of progressively responsible training experience on environmental and sustainable development issues is required.

Proven expertise and experience in working with countries to enhance their technical and statistical capacities is required.

Experience in the UN system and in a government/intergovernmental setting is desirable.

Proven expertise and experience in working on circular economy, sustainable consumption and production, and waste for sustainable development is desired.

How To Apply

Click here to apply