Field Officers Jobs in Kenya

Our Field Officers are on the frontline of KSPCA’s work. They are out in communities, building relationships, educating and supporting. They also investigate abuse complaints and get tough when the law has been violated. They deal with distressing and even dangerous incidents, and will need to make critical decisions in difficult moments.

Skills and Qualifications

They might wade through flood water to help a stranded cat, safely contain a suspected rabies case or deal with a serious criminal matter.

They need to handle disagreements calmly and talk to many different kinds of people with respect.

If you are interested, you will need to demonstrate skills or experience related to animal welfare and animal handling.

An animal health or law enforcement background would be an advantage.

You will have to be able to show us that you can fit in different environments and communicate effectively.

You must be able to keep a cool head and make clear judgements.

You must be well organised and able to pay attention to details like the law.

You must be a very honest and reliable person.

You must be able to work in English and Kiswahili, to be able to manage basic paperwork and have a valid driving licence.

How To Apply

Send your application to RECRUITMENT@KSPCA.OR.KE